Deb's Den: Welcome! 😁
Hello Deb-Heads!
Welcome again to Deb's Den!
I am so glad you are here!
...this is my "thank you" for opting in to the Deb-Head list!
What I send:
Four, quarterly "general news" sent to my entire mailing list -usually seasonal;\
Gigs pertinent to *your* geographical area;
News of new music releases, merch drops, new music video or if I win a Grammy ...
(you never know, it could happen!) -
And occasionally I just sent out a giant, gushy letter of appreciation and thank you because I want you all to know how much I value your friendship and support!
I do NOT share or rent my list with anyone, nor have I uploaded it to Facebook or anysocial media, nor given your info to anyone else. Unlike Facebook, I do NOT send ads, nor do I spam your inbox with political nonsense. This list is for music and happiness, not anything else. Believe me: I know how it is! You can also unsubscribe at anytime, though I hope you will stay!
Again, welcome aboard!
-Deb :-)