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Home Notes: Oct 31, 2024 - Seattle- Who Loves Halloween As Much As I Do?

Writer's picture: Deb SeymourDeb Seymour

Updated: Nov 19, 2024


It's Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year! I've always LOVED theater and costumes, and Halloween gives me the chance to express that side of myself. I also appreciate the older holiday upon whichc Halloween is based: the Celtic Samhain.

It was generally believed in the Celtic world, in pre-Christian times, that the new year began when the harvest was in, and the darker days begining. This is when the earth goes fallow and seeds are still more of an idea. it was a time of turning inward and refelcting.

It was also believed that at this time of year, when things were dying, that thte veil between the now and the afterlife was the thinnest, and that one could commune iwth the spirits of those recently passed. I really like this idea- that once a year we formally remember those that came before us. Because I, for one, know I would not be who I am today without the people from the past. This past may be over, and one shouldn't, perhaps. dwelll on it, but giving it, and the people that shaped you recognition before heading back into the light of spring, can act as a touchstone for the the rest of the seasonal cycle.

Happy Halloween, all!

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